On , Wm Salt Hale published:

Resilience in Free/Libre/Open Source Software: Do Founder Decisions Impact Development Activity after Crisis Events?

My 2021 MA Thesis can be found here (direct file coming soon...): Hale, WS - Resilience in FLOSS (2021).pdf

Headshot of Salt
Wm Salt Hale
Birthday: 1987-12-12, Sex: M, Gender: Cis, IM: @salt:sal.td
PO Box 47042Seattle, WA, USA 98126

Salt is a Seattle local studying Tech+Society at the UW. His focus is on FLOSS communities and policy. He tries to be very approachable and will always be found wearing a kilt.

/?/ Kilted Globetrotter,
Free/Libre/Open Advocate,
and Lifelong Hacker /?/